Episode 60
Goodbye Catherine: The Power of Letting Go
Goodbyes are so hard for so many - we hold onto our past selves, what we've outgrown, relationships, jobs, places, and people because we are afraid of what we don't know, afraid to step into those unknown places. But the unknown is where mystery lives - and it is inside that mystery that the magic of who you are becoming is revealed. It is the courage to change our lives and take risks that allows us to meet the deepest corners of ourselves and expand what we believe is possible.
Catherine announced a few episodes ago that she is leaving The New Truth Podcast which has been such a significant part of her life for the past 5 years - because her heart is devoted to something else now. Listen to hear how Catherine's process unfolded as she followed her "new truth" and Kate and Catherine's final episode together on The New Truth Podcast.
They share all the lessons and gifts of finally being able to let go, honour your truth fully - and see what possibilities open up in your world when you do. And stay tuned for next week's episode, Kate will share more about what's to come on Season 3 of The New Truth!
About the Hosts:
Catherine Danieli is a love and relationship educator helping women heal fear-based relationship patterns so that they can experience radical self love and healthy, extraordinary romantic relationships. She not only cares about helping women find love but learn the skills and tools to make love last. She is incredibly passionate about conscious relationship and empowering people to create healthy relationships in their lives. She believes healthy relationships are what will heal the world. After overcoming her own painful journey through love addiction and codependency, and seeing so many people in pain over love, she has devoted her life to teaching women how to transform, heal and have new experiences in partnership.
Mothersphere Link : https://catherine-hummel.kit.com/ae571dc2a7
Kate Harlow is the Owner & Creator of The Unscript'd Woman - a mission to liberate women all over the world to throw away the script and create a life that lights up their own soul. She mentors women to have a healthy, thriving relationship within themselves - so they can experience vibrant, expansive, growth based relationships in their lives. Kate has coached and mentored thousands of people for almost 15 years - facilitating life changing love talks, workshops and retreats globally. She's fiercely committed to helping women break free from the old, outdated, fantasy based paradigm of love - so they can experience real, liberated love in every facet of their lives.
Website: https://www.theunscriptdwoman.com/
The Immersion in Corfu, Greece
April 26- May 3, 2025 https://www.theunscriptdwoman.com/the-immersion
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I also feel like this message today, too is like there's ease. It doesn't mean it's easy to let go or easy to follow your dreams, but there will be ease right? You'll you'll hit the current like the way it feels when you're riding the wave, right, and you just hit it at the right place in the right time. You'll find what's meant for you, and how many people just don't know ease in any way, shape or form, in their in their life? I didn't. My trauma was there was no ease in in romantic relationship or or even friendships. Yeah, my friendships were filled with a lot of drama for a while, but you have been the easiest. Like your friendship has been ease in a way that I've never experienced.
Kate Harlow:Hi, you're listening to Kate and Catherine, and we're gonna show you how to find your Prince Charming so that you can finally live happily ever after, forever and ever
Catherine Danieli:No. Yeah,
Kate Harlow:we are definitely not gonna do that.
Catherine Danieli:We are sick of that story, and it's a lie. It is a lie. You're listening to the new truth a modern Woman's Guide to extraordinary love.
Kate Harlow:We are going to show you how the fairy tale, love story stops you from experiencing the love you truly desire.
Catherine Danieli:Listen to hear how to break free from sacrifice and struggle in relationship, and
Kate Harlow:learn the new truth about love in a way that you've never heard it before. We're so happy you're here. Keep listening.
Catherine Danieli:Hello, hello, Catherine here for the power of letting go. If you are listening to this episode on the day of its recording, it's or it's released. It's February 18, 2025 and after five years of weekly episodes and building the new truth podcast with Kate Harlow, today is my last episode, and perhaps you are someone that has followed along for the journey. You know that this was not made lightly and mostly that this was not at all made in anything other than love and celebration and compassion and magic between Kate and I, and if you haven't heard the past few episodes of our five year celebration episode, and then becoming the heroine of Your Life episode, we've been building up to this goodbye and Kate will reveal the vision for where the new Truth is headed with her on next week's episode, but in this episode, you'll hear what it took for me to follow my truth, what it took for me to listen to the stirrings of my soul, what it took for me to be unwilling to ignore my inner and Oh, my inner No, and how really the conversation began with sharing our visions for our future, Kate sharing the vision of what she wanted for this podcast, and me sharing the vision for what I wanted for my life, and seeing that they were no longer aligned, and that's what we want for you As you listen to this episode, the courage to listen to your truth, the courage to always be connected to the vision for your life as the heroine of your life, not someone else's vision, but your own vision. And most of all, that you forever have the courage to change your mind. You forever have the courage to begin again. You forever have the courage to let go, for us to embrace the truth of being human, but especially a feminine being, that we are always changing. We are always growing. We are always moving through cycles and seasons. And of course, we will not always be the same person, and the new truth was such a part of my soul and my truth for every single second of all of these five years, I will forever be grateful if you are someone that has been with me for five years, or someone that ended up in my programs, or has been a client, or has sent me a private message about the impact my work has had on your life. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for listening. Thank you for celebrating this podcast and this work. Please know that I will always cherish this time. You. And that just what's true is I am turning toward motherhood, something I have deeply desired my entire life, something I had no idea was going to uproot and transform and essentially blow up everything from my maiden life and that I am now hanging out over on sub stack, and my account is called Mother bones. Mother bones, and it is in service to a woman's inner knowing. It is in service to the remembrance that lives in our bones of how we know how to love, we know how to live, we know how to be together, and most of all, we know how to give to our babies. And it's for all women to join me over there. But if you are really interested in my musings and perspectives on life and parenting and mothering and being a woman. Then join me over there on sub stack, and you'll see I talk a little bit about Mother sphere in this episode, which is my just email list with my business in which I will do women's circles and I am coaching a very, very, very small group of people, but that is available. If you are a mother and have birth trauma, you want to alchemize. If you have childhood trauma, you want to alchemize, and how that's affecting your parenting and your loving if you want to remember your own intuition and bone knowing in your mothering, I'm here for you, and that's available, and you can apply to see if you are if we're right for each other. The mother bones is my sub stack in which I'm sharing all the unfiltered and raw truths from inside my experience and inviting you along the journey with me. So the power of letting go. Thank you, Kate, as you listen to this, thank you for your visions and your dreams and your passion and being such a powerful model of a woman living her truth since really, it's been five years in the making for me to get here. So enjoy this episode. I'll see you when I see you. I'm so excited for where the new truth is headed. May you keep listening to the beautiful and brilliant Kate Harlow and I'll talk to you soon.
Kate Harlow:Hello, friends. Hello, new truth podcast, super fans and fans and community and loves. Today is a very special episode all about the power of letting go, which we are walking through alongside with you in this moment. So if you are a woman who is thinking of following your heart and listening to that truth. I hope that today inspires you, and I'm gonna cry the whole time like I don't know if I've ever cried like that on the podcast. I hope that this episode empowers you and inspires you and sparks you to actually follow your heart and listen to your truth. Because life is so precious, and none of us know how much time we have here, and you know, a lot of people are dying lately, I feel like it's just illuminating how precious life is and how every moment matters, and we get to follow our hearts and live a life that feels good inside of our bodies and our souls and inside of us. So today's episode is a tribute and honor to miss Catherine Daniele, who I have not shared this with you yet, but I did share before we started, she was a little bit late as she is, because she's a mom, and I'm used to it. And I just sat down, and I had the zoom on so I could see when she arrived. But it just played my cheesy playlist, and I just sang. And the first song, actually the Titanic song, came on first so I sang, My Heart Will Go On, which was lovely. And then it sounds like it's a Celine Dion only playlist, but actually it's not. But the second song that came on was because you loved me, and I closed my eyes and I and then you just came into my my perspective. A third eye, whatever. I just saw you, and I sang it to you, and I cried my eyes out, and in that moment, I really felt the depth and breadth of all the gifts that you've given me. And I think that you know, when we started this podcast, I was already running a successful business, so were you. I had lots of clients. I built community. I was doing talks all over. I had, you know, I was doing a thing, but you came into my life and saw me in a way I had never been seen before, and you reflected it over and over and over again, and that song is like, lifted me up when I couldn't reach you gave me faith because you believed I'm everything I am, because you loved me. And I was just thinking the the power of real sisterhood, which is together we rise, which is I see your soul and I see your pain and I see your trauma and your patterns, but I see the core and the truth of who you are. And then we just reflect that back to each other over and over again, and you've done that for me from the beginning, like you have my life is I have a totally different life. I believe in myself more than ever before. My dreams are way bigger than they ever were because of you seeing me and you showing up for me and for our work together and our podcast and our mission over and over and over again. So I just wanted to start today by sharing how much I love you and how grateful I am for you in my life and for this podcast.
Catherine Danieli:Thank you. Wow. Really taking that in. Thank you. I I remember when I was really in it with Andrew a couple years ago, how easy it can be to take things for granted. Hey, when it's just things that we know, it's like, oh, this is my husband. Like, Oh, this is just like, who I am, and this is the way that I love. So I I don't take time to really be like, No, this is who I am, like, this is the way that I love. It has been so easy to love you, you, you've made it so easy to do this, to have the podcast, like to be in relationship with you, and I just love most of all, you know, we said it in the celebration episode, like I was in so much pain. In 2019 I was in so much pain, and then in came the light. Like in, in came the light and and I, you know, I think that silly thing of like, you know, it isn't true that you have to love yourself, you know, before you can love others, because sometimes it's being loved by others that we learn, you know, to deeply love ourselves. And I think I definitely did not believe I was worthy and deserving of a friend like you and like if you had asked me, like, do you feel worthy in 2019 of a friend like Kate Arlo, the answer would have been no, you know, but the commitment to this, and the vision, and then just the ease in which it all happened, like, how natural it felt to be with you, how natural it felt to speak like, how natural it felt to just talk like we've already joked, like we've never taken notes and we've hardly ever even like, spent five minutes before we hit record being like, all right, this is What we're gonna say. We just like hit record, and I just like, we have just been ourselves, you know, like, when I look back, it's just we've just been ourselves and and May everyone know that that safety in friendship, you know, like that, that that safety and all relationship that wasn't, oh Kate made me safe, but that place of of a commitment to having a relationship that is safe, right, where emotions are honored, where you have permission to be who you are. And, you know, I just joked up and crying every day since the since we recorded the celebration episode. That's what unlocked it for me. So I'm, I'm listening to it. I'm like, I've just been crying. Like, I've just been crying. But, yeah, I mean, I, like, started my business not knowing what I was gonna do, and I just, like, instead, I was a coach on Facebook, and like, this is how I worked. And then I had like, 15 clients within two weeks, you know, and I just that, like, place of and then I wanted to move to San Diego, and nothing was working, and my life fell apart, you know? It's like, I also feel like this message today too is like, there's ease. It doesn't. Mean, it's easy to let go or easy to follow your dreams, but there will be ease, right? You'll you'll hit the current like the way it feels when you're riding the wave, right, and you just hit it at the right place in the right time, you'll find what's meant for you. And how many people just don't know ease in any way, shape or form, in their in their life, I didn't my trauma was there was no ease in in romantic relationship or or even friendships. My friendships were filled with a lot of drama for a while, but you have been the easiest, like your friendship has been ease in a way that I've never experienced. And yeah, letting go so many, not
Kate Harlow:of a friendship,
Catherine Danieli:not of our friendship. But, I mean, I just was thinking like letting go in general, like, anyone who lets go, is it hard? Like, does it feel always good? Like, no, but the ease, like, like, how it feels, versus like, if you're listening right now, it's like, just, like, grip your hands, like, squeeze your fingers together, and like experience that you know, versus how it feels when your hands are open, you know, and relaxed and, and, gosh, that's how I feel today, in this moment. Like, I just feel relaxed in my tears and and relaxed in the next direction. And, God, I'm not afraid. I'm really in like, Well, I wonder, I just wonder what's going to happen. I wonder what's going to happen. And, my God, I gripped. I gripped in my business for a long time, but there was never gripping in the podcast. Like, there really wasn't,
Kate Harlow:and you're right now, you're just, I will guess both of us embracing the mystery. And I think how many women are missing, like, you know, are miserable in their lives because they're missing the mystery. They're like, just want everything predicted and everything structured and everything ticked off, and everything you know tied in a bow, and our souls fucking starve when we don't have mystery. It's the unknown that, like, brings us alive. It's the courage to to let go of something that was so amazing or was so shitty or was anything in between, and step into the darkness not knowing what's on the other side, like that is what brings our souls to life. And I was thinking as you were talking when letting go the hardest time usually is before we've actually decided that's the hardest time. I was actually thinking about Charlie, my five year boyfriend. I saw him today on social media share something, and so it's kind of in my field, and he's actually in the book a lot our relationship, because it was the perfect on paper relationship. And I spent a year getting clarity through doing healing sessions and working with a coach. And it wasn't really about the relationship, it was all about me, and most of the sessions and but I was like growing and evolving and growing and evolving. And he went away for 10 days, and that's what it took him being us, not living together for 10 days for me to get crystal clear. But the year leading up to it, I was tortured. It's all I talked about with my friends. And guess what? Like making a decision from the mind is a ping pong game. Your mind will always 100% of the time, and I'll call this your saboteur mind, 100% of the time. We'll play both sides. So that's why we get so trapped. We feel so trapped in making hard decisions and really letting go. Is because you we just keep going. We did an episode about this in season one, should I stay? Or should I go? It's like, if you if you, if you're asking yourself that question, you're in your head, your body knows the truth is in your body. And give yourself the spaciousness. And sometimes in romantic relationships, we need literal space. Maybe you needed me to go to Africa. You needed me to go even farther. You're like, Greece is too close. I can feel you still. I had to go all the way to Kenya in order for your clarity to come but, but also, I love it. I didn't realize it till you shared on last episode that your clarity came from us doing the rebrand. We hired someone to do branding, and then you were like, Wait, I don't want to do this anymore. So, like, that was divine, that we hired someone to do branding, but we were that. We were like, Okay, let's turn up the volume and change the new truth, and, like, refine it a little bit, and like, go bigger with it. And then that that US following that truth, which was true for me, right? Was the catalyst, right? It's all divine for you to get your clarity that it wasn't true for you anymore. And then Sega, Sega, slowly, slowly. In Greek, you took your time. We we had spacious voice notes back and forth. It was a slow unfolding, a slow untethering to get to that moment of clarity for both of us and honoring of our feelings and our process and just to see now on the other side, it. Uh, it's always a gift for everyone. Some people might not see it that way. If they're living in victim mentality and blame, and you're in a relationship with someone who blames everyone for everything, well, of course they're going to blame you if they leave, if you leave, right? So just expect that. But when people are actually living from their truth, and, you know, living and a life that's honoring of how they feel. It's always the best thing for everyone, because I feel the power of you having the courage to follow your truth has given me so much life force energy, even though at first it was so hard, it's allowed me to see bigger visions. It's allowed me to get clarity on where this is going, where I'm going, what I'm in devotion to even more. And now there's new energy in my work, in the world, which before there wasn't. And the same thing happened for me during COVID. It was like I was kind of stagnant, doing the same thing over and over again. And then all of a sudden, COVID can't do your talks anymore. Oh shit. I can't do what I've always done. Oh shit. Four years into my business, and now, okay, what? What's next? Created a five day expanded love masterclass. There's one April, 7 to 11th, if you haven't done it yet, 2025 but created the reclamation, right? Created the online community, and started to grow in that way. And the podcast came out then too. So it, it is. Life is leading us, but if you're making decisions based in fear, you're going to miss what's meant for you.
Catherine Danieli:I've had, you know last night, knowing we're going to do this today. I've had, I had like, a, you remember those like, flip books, right where? Like, if you're flipping as you're flipping it. It's showing like, movement inside of it. Do you know those? Well, whatever they're like, when I was a little kid, it would show, like Mickey, like running as you're like, flipping, oh yeah, the pages, yes, yes, yes. And I actually had that experience last night, where as I was falling asleep, I had this moment of like, we're actually always letting go, like we let go when we fall asleep at night. We let go of the day like we let go when we exhale. We let go when we walk from one room, you know, to another and and I had this experience of thinking about all the friends that are no longer in my life and how, you know, I had this really, really close friend in college. I mean, she was my best friend in college, and then I got sober, and our friendship didn't survive that change. You know, friends that I was close with in in my early sobriety, and then just as we each got more and more well and and grew those you know, friendships changed, or my best friend at elementary school, and then we didn't fit in junior high, right? Because we we were changing. And, you know, you've heard my core story about my ex, like, on again, off again, you know, 13 times I talk about total inability to let go of what doesn't work until, until I did, you know, and and letting go of him made space for my husband, like my husband came in fairly freaking fast after I really let go of of that relationship, And just when I think of the I what I was always so clear on about the new truth and like will just remain. The truth for me is how much we are suffering because of a fantasy, because of an idea, an expectation of something that I have an expectation. I'm going to get married by 25 and have a kid by 27 and then buy a house or, or I'm going to, like, get a promotion on this day and then, and then grow or I'm going to, you know, do this thing, and if it doesn't fit the idea in my head, I'm then suffering. And I, you know, shared in my motherhood episode that I actually strongly believe that so many mothers are struggling, not just because we don't have a village like that's that's a given, but because everyone has a fantasy fucking expectation of what those first few months are going to be like, as if babies are dolls, right? No, you're not going to sleep. You're going to leak from your body everywhere, you know, and you're going to be in pain and you're gonna your brain has shrunk, you know, like, just like all these, these truths of life that no one knows how to handle because we are so immature as a culture, and indigenous cultures, right? Like our ancestors knew how to live, like the Goddess has always been showing us how to live, since the beginning of time and and right, the feminine has been underground, like purity culture, right, masculine value system, colonialism, capitalism, like all the things that created a whole script, like so much so that we relate to life as as if it is something we can control. Right? Or that we're like, as if we're playing a fucking video game. Whoa. I just saw like that image in my head, like, as if it's a video game. It
Kate Harlow:is a video game. I know, actually, this is my recent metaphor. It's a video game, but most people are playing level one over and over and over and over and over again, then wondering why they feel so bad, and then taking drugs and eating food and doing all the things to numb how they feel because they're stuck in level one, but we're actually, like, meant to ascend to many. Like, there's infinite levels that we can evolve to. Well, I love
Catherine Danieli:when you turned 40. We did level 40, right? Not exactly edge age, but yeah. Like, I I also want to really say and bring light to midlife. Or you just need to, like, name this for a second that you know midlife is 35 to 45 now, like, midlife is not 50, you know, like, even though, yes, we live to 100 now, like, the midlife awakening starts for many people at 35 and and there's a Joseph Campbell quote where he says, you know, midlife is when you've spent all of this time climbing the ladder and you reach the top only to find the ladder is on the wrong wall. And maidenhood, like our our 20s, like, like, I was 25 when I started my business, like, full of of naivete, like I wasn't thinking about the future at all, you know, I wasn't planning anything. I just was in, you know, passion and fire and magic and like, that is what it's about. Like, we're meant to to have lots of experiences and build and grow and make mistakes and and then, yeah, you might be like, me and get to 35 and be like, What did I just do? Like, what did I just do? How come I wasn't thinking about, you know, my future, like, how come I wasn't fully oriented to, like, setting myself up for the rest of my life, you know? And it's like, oh, because that's just not the phase I was in, and that's the phase I'm in now, because I can't, I can't not acknowledge midlife, because it's not just having a baby, you know, like it for me, it really is that I had a baby at 35 and that partnered with what a child does because, because what identity is someone letting go up when they have a kid at 23 like you're There's nothing that's happening. Like you haven't built anything yet, you know, like you're still adolescent. You're gonna have a very different experience at 23 you know, than at 35 when I had spent 10 years, like, in a certain identity, um, and doing things a certain way. But this, this experience for me. It's not just because of the baby. It's like, now I'm just in my life, like, wait a minute, what is my life in service to like? Who am I like? What are my values? What? What as I turn toward now, the rest of my life? Yes, because having a kid puts you front and center into you're older and you're gonna die, and you're told it forever. But this, this real deepening, you know, I said it. Maybe I don't know what episode I said it. Maybe we said it in the episode we didn't use where I was, like settling in, like, there is no settling down. But hopefully maturity brings you into settling in, to like, who you are. And I is going to make me cry. I have never actually felt more myself than I do right now, and and not because I'm two and a half years postpartum and now my hormones are balanced, even though now they are, but this like I've like, arrived feeling of like, oh, like the portal that opened up inside me and how I've chosen to nurture and parent. Madeline has helped me remember the actual softness and slowness and sensual part of me that that I've never given permission for, like, where, where I'm like, oh, like, did I really care about building a business, or did I just do it because I thought that's what everyone else is doing, and because I was good at and I had a lot of energy, so it was like, oh, might as well do this. You know, like, I don't know if I ever really was deeply connected to what I wanted. I was deeply connected to my clients and deeply connected to the mission. Like that was, hands down, absolute truth of, I loved what I was doing, but I was never thinking about me actually. Like, I never was in this like, Well, wait, what is it that I am I'm doing this all for? Like, what am I building for? You know, because now that's what's happening for me. Like, Wait, what am I doing this all for? What do I want my life to be about? And now I am thinking about 50 years old, you know, and 60 years old, and 70 years old. And I remember, and I'm sure you've done this too. We talked a little bit about it last time, about future self relation, or future self visualization. But in the. Very first personal development program I did. One of the visualizations they did was an 80th birthday party. Like that, you were a ghost walking through your 80th, you know, birthday party. And like, what are people saying about you? And like, what is the legacy that you have left? And, and, and we tell ourselves, just like the fantasy of love we tell ourselves, it has to be big fucking gestures, like, Oh, He only loves me if, like, he fucking jumps out of an airplane with a ring, you know, like when he proposes, or, or, um, has to be this big, extravagant thing. Like everything, everything we're taught that matters is about big and more, you know, and I still remember this, the 80th birthday party, people talked about how they felt when they were around me. There was no there was nothing about at the time, you know, nothing about what I had done or like built or created in my life. It was all about the way people were saying about the way that I they felt when they were with me. And of course, at that time, I was just like, Oh yeah, I'm I'm about relationship, like intimacy and depth of relationship is, like, what I am in service to and and right, like, it's just, that's what's true now. And how many women never give themselves permission to ask what it is that they want. Like, let's just give that a beat for a second. Like, so many women think of the things they're supposed to want or they should want. Like, yeah, what do child free? How do How are child free women treated in in our culture, right? Oh, you must not like kids, so you're not really a woman, or you are not very loving. I mean, that's what we're saying to women who just don't want children.
Kate Harlow:No, like does that to me?
Catherine Danieli:Well, it's, it's because you don't have to live in America anymore.
Kate Harlow:Well, I also think it's the it's the inner if someone is in discord within themselves, I actually spoke with someone about this today. If they still feel culturally about it larger, yeah, for sure, culturally
Catherine Danieli:inner relationship no one's getting. If they're clear, they're not being talked to that way I want to talk. I'm talking like the air we're amazing in, you know, like, just like, like, I don't have friends that comment about my body right? But there's body image culture,
Kate Harlow:yes, yes, no, but we do get it. We get the pushback when people totally when, when we have it, when we have that discord inside, like, if you still feel bad shame, like you're doing something wrong by not having kids, you're going to receive that pushback, and then it shifts once it shifts inside of you. That's the point I was making,
Catherine Danieli:and how, well, how important it is to just know who you are, and that, like, what you're saying is, what's magical is when you aren't, can't, like you really don't care now about what other people think about your choices, because you're just in what you want. And I think my pain and like, what's true for me is I really was living for a while there about what other people wanted, you know, like, well, this, this client, really needs help. So I'll, you know, say yes, or like, so, or just the truth of like, so many women need help around relationship. Like, that's true, yeah, and okay, I have a gift, and I have something to say, so I should say it. And I, you know, I should be in service to that, because so many people need it. But it's like, okay, but that's just not true. I don't want to talk about dating relationships anymore. Like, it's just not true anymore. And there are so many, many options now, like the world is abundant. You know, the main thing here is this permission to want what you want, and to like be who you are and and for me, I'm choosing this very simple, slow life right now, and like as the trauma survivor that I am, and like only new chaos and like only knew everything fast and intense like this is such a big deal for me. Like this is, this is a homecoming, right? My my signature program, Homecoming like I'm in homecoming to to a new truth of of who I am and, and aspects of myself I just have never been able to access. And I, I do feel very strongly that children are muses, like children are alchemists. Children will ask you to become the thing that they need. You know, and, and, and this is what my daughter has asked of me and like, what she's she's brought out. And I'm just so grateful, and I'm so grateful, I mean, I can't even believe I just said that the new truth, right, our new truths over and over and over yes and over again, and that you're allowed to change your mind, Yes, God.
Kate Harlow:And. The women that and you don't need to know the future, like, that's it. It's like we're so obsessed with the future and where we're going and how long something's going to be here, which we talked about last episode, you don't need to know this is your truth. Now you know through like, five years into motherhood, you might be, like I said last week birthing a book. You never know what's next, and we don't need to know, because that's the mystery.
Catherine Danieli:But I'm clear on right now and like, that's what I think, yeah, like, so many women are never present, right? That you're always in the future, so you're never in the like, well, what's just true? What's just true right now, even if it's what's true right now is, I'm in a season of deep struggle, like, Okay, can you just be there then and know that nothing lasts forever? Like, literally nothing lasts forever. Seasons change, feelings change. Like, everything changes. That's the truth of life, you know? And I think, yeah, everything has changed, and this is, this is where I am now. And I'm so not worried about the future in any way, shape or form. I'm actually enjoying where I am for the first time ever. Because I think I was always building in my business like I was always and manifesting
Kate Harlow:generator. I was gonna say it's like a shadow of the manifesting gender. I just
Catherine Danieli:always was like, what's the next thing that I can build, or the next thing to respond to, or the next you know thing I can do? And and now I'm like, Oh, this what's next? This is just be for the first time in my entire life, the first time in my entire life. So it doesn't have to be extravagant, like you matter whether you're helping anyone. You matter whether you're a fucking life coach or not, like you're you matter whether you're on Instagram or not, like, oh my god, like we can influence people in our lives and do things that matter when it's aligned with what we're really wanting. You know, not because you think you should, or you're trying to be someone, and every, every woman's trying to be somebody or something, might prove, prove that they belong and matter and are worthy. And God, I have loved and I still think about if you've worked with me over the past. Okay, so I guess what year is it? 2025, I started in 2013 so if you have been a client of mine or worked or been in a program with me since 2013 like I still think about you. I deeply love you. I'm always cheering you on, I will forever be grateful that you opened your heart to me and that you let me in to the magnificence of your inner world, right and your heart and please God, do not wait for a man to love you so that you feel like you're allowed to be who you are, like you are already loved, like you are loved, you are loved, you are loved. You are loved. You are loved, you are loved. That's how I fall that's how I sing to Madeline as she falls asleep, I sing a specific song, and then, as she is falling asleep, I just say, You are loved. You are loved. You
Unknown:are loved.
Catherine Danieli:That's true for all of us, right? You are loved. You are loved.
Kate Harlow:Madeline, it's like she's She invited you into your heroine, because all those aspects are a huge part of what we unlock in the immersion and reclamation the heroine slowing down and being living in the frequency of the heart and following what feels good. And that's so amazing. So Matt and she is a very magical being, like, I'm excited for you to share more stories from her when you do your mother's fear. She's a very magical being like, it really does feel like she, you know, obviously she has her old and soul journey too, but your souls are connected, and she's here to invite you more into your truth and and every I feel like all the years of you doing the the building, the builder that was like for you to experience the contrast, so that now you can you drop deeper into deep appreciation for being a mom, you know, like really being present With your experience, with her and with your future kids and with your husband and your family and your house and your life, you get to model, that you get to be, that you get to embody that. And it's because, like, the I feel like contrast is so important, like, often people wish that the bad things never happen, but the bad things are what catalyze us to to do something different, and what allow us to feel ourselves right like you can't. If it was just pleasant all the time we made all the right choices and everything felt amazing all the time, we wouldn't have the contrast to even know to be deeply. Grateful for where we are, or celebratory of how far we've come. So yes, want to reflect that and just thinking, too, when you were talking about the that the it's the name of Glenn girls podcast, you can do hard things. And she says it in her book, untamed, we could do hard things, and you know our protective mechanisms, survival patterns, like your brain is designed to protect you, to keep you safe from danger, and we have a lot of programming around perceived danger. That's not actually danger, but but to your brain, it is, and then your body and nervous system responds to that thinking you're actually in danger and safety is staying in this relationship that feels so complete or lifeless or dead or painful or whatever, or staying in this job that's sucking the life out of you. We we also, I see, and I experience this with clients too. We see so much thinking it where it's going to get better in the future, right? Like, oh, wait till. I'll wait till Christmas. After Christmas, I'll wait till, you know, the next quarter. I'll wait till, wait till, wait till we put it off and put it off and put it off. And the reality is the right time is like, when those feeling feels really strong and clear, like it did for you, and then it all unfolded. And the gift, like you said, I love the analogy of surfing. It's like, get on that surfboard and you you try and control it, and it will pummel you. You will get pummeled. You will get eaten by the wave. You'll get hit in the face by the surfboard. That's very dangerous. I had a friend who had a who had a very severe accident getting hit in the face by a surfboard, but like, the waves have no mercy, like they will pummel you, but if you actually, like, get into alignment in your body, and okay, I'm saying this metaphor, as if I'm a pro surfer, I am not. I'm horrible, but I've surfed twice, but I've watched a lot of surfers. I love watching them in Hawaii, especially the little kids. Is like, it's easy for the little kids, right? They're like, so good. And these waves are massive in Hawaii, but it's so easy for them because they are in their bodies. They're not in their heads. They're in their bodies. They're present in the moment, they're in connection with the board, with the wind, with the with the the motion of the waves, and so they can feel when it's the right time, right so that's, I mean, you talked about it last time, meditation, movement, all the things to get back into our bodies, because the more connected you are to the to your body, the easier it'll be to respond to That moment when you know you have to go and then you get to ride the wave, and you get to see how the wave is life supporting you. It pummels you when your saboteur is making the choices, when you're resisting, when you're when you're not taking action, when you're not following your truth, when you're feeding the stories of fear and limitation and lack, that's when the wave pummels you, but when you trust your truth and you share it, because I said earlier, the hardest thing is the time before it's like we get we're in agony making the decision, but once you, I think I didn't even finish my sentence, once you make the decision and you stand with and for yourself and your truth with love like I did with Charlie at the end of Our five years, it was easy. After that point, even the grieving part was easy, because it was like the turmoil was in the the conversation about making the decision and all the drama and all the stories and all the what ifs and all the back and forth and all the Should I stay? Should I go the head stuff? But when you get into your body, like that kid in Hawaii on the surfboard, and you, and you feel the moment where your truth is so strong, speak to it lovingly, and watch life carry you. Watch the wave care and not just you. Everyone else life will carry everyone who's affected by whatever the decision is of letting go. And that's what we're experiencing here,
Catherine Danieli:was let go or be dragged right, like that very popular quote about letting go, and I just am thinking about, God, how important feelings are. Like we are, where we are as a world, as a planet, because of hundreds of years of suppression of feelings, right, of raising children from, don't be sad. Don't cry. I'll give you something to cry about, you know, like, buckle up. Like, just, you know, suck it up, rather than I hear you and I'm listening like you're safe to feel, you know, and and parents who can't possibly tolerate their kids upset, right? Like, no, you can't watch TV. I want to watch TV. Okay, fine. You can watch TV. Like, that's no different than, you know, this relationship is really painful, and I don't want to be in it, but I'm going to drink and and not leave. Have, you know, the relationship, or I'm going to have an affair and and not deal, you know, with with what I'm feeling and, and I really am just so present now to how important it is to be in relationship with our feelings, like, that's like the true relationship with self, and how reactive, you know, we talked about this last time, like just the reactivity of people, and then they make decisions from inside, the reaction, right? As if, like, and someone starts panicking, right? And it's like, okay, well, that must be the truth. Then it's like, no, the truth, my friends, is quiet. It's peaceful. Like, like, the truth is an inner K, N, O, W, like, inner knowing, right of emergence from within. It's not big and explosive and loud and and I really, I mean, I don't know anyone who's ever left a relationship like lightly, right? Maybe I've known plenty of people who can't leave from inside center and consciousness, right? Because the drama or the pain is so great, but like, No one wakes up one day and just out of the blue is like, I don't want to be in this relationship anymore, right? Like, it's from all those nights of falling asleep and being like, I can't ignore what I'm feeling, right? No one wakes up one day and quits their job. You know, like No one wakes up one day and decides to blow up their life. You know, like it is slow revelation over time, and there have been infinite moments in my life, like I'm thinking about you just saying, Do you want to start a podcast with me and my whole body lighting up, you know, with the Yes. Like, sometimes there's instant Yes, just like, in 2000 in 2012 after my horrible breakup with my ex, I had finally let go. A really good friend of mine called me and said, I'm leading a retreat in Hawaii. Do you want to come? And I said yes, and it was, like, the biggest yes in my life. Like, I didn't know anything about the retreat and even it was going to be, or how long, or how many days, like, and I lived in Hawaii for a month, you know. And so I want to also honor that, like, sometimes what's true is, like, yes is fast, but it's not from, like an ego, like, I wasn't fast yeses that are from what you think you're going to get right. Like, I'm going to buy this thing because I want it, you know, or because this is the thing that's going to make me feel pretty or this is the thing that's going to make me a million dollars. Like, I joined the podcast because it was just a yes. I wasn't thinking at all about how big this could be, or how amazing it was going to be for my business and our friendship. Like, it was just Oh, it's just a yes. Then I wasn't thinking about that Hawaii retreat. Of like, Oh, I'm gonna go to this retreat, and then I'll have more things to teach about, you know, when I come home, and I'll give it back to, you know, like other people, it's just no, this is for me, um, and, and when you're in relationship with your feelings, you know your yes and your no. And I know I keep saying this over the past few episodes, but it's just like, because this is where I am, like re I'm actually rediscovering my no and how it was never safe for me to say no, you know, as a child, and my parents didn't protect me from abuse. And so those of us where that's the case, you know, like you, you do lose your ability to say no, and most women never say no, because we're also good girls. Don't say no, right? But if you don't know your No, you won't know your yes and and your no is inside. And no matter, no matter how much trauma you've been through, or no matter what has happened to you, no one can take that from you. No one can take your intuition from you. No one can take your worthiness from you. No one can decide who you are like. No one can take that like it's yours to just claim you don't have to go learn it, you know, you don't have to go read books on it. You just have to get quiet. They have to be willing to get quiet, right, willing to listen and willing to ride the waves of all the the fear and panic that might come as a wave, you know, first, and then it'll wash up on the sand, and then, like, there's your answer. I
Kate Harlow:was just thinking as you're saying that like it never stopped. I think maybe I even said this last week, but I'm feeling it even deeper. It never stops knocking. It never so if you have been like doing your relationship and then knock, knock, knock, are you sure this doesn't feel good like and usually it doesn't come with words, actually, it's just a feeling, but it never your truth. Will never stop knocking in even when you have lots of trauma, even when you're really numb, even when you're on tons of antidepressants and medication you can't feel your intuition, your your instinct, your your your your gut feelings never stop, ever knocking. I think of back when I was in my early 20s. I was in this. Relationship and and it was also coming from the outside too. The clarity was coming from the outside, but those nudges were so they but they were quiet. But it was like never. And I kept being like, no, no, this is great. I'm living in Australia. Everything's great. I've got a great gut, like, look it on paper. It's great. And like, that sick feeling never went away. Every every situation I've ever been in where it was toxic, what that feeling never went away. Same with once I had the clarity with leaving my relationship with Jeff, it took me a couple years because COVID slowed down our breakup, because, you know, the world was ending, and it was like, Oh, hold on tight, like we don't know what's happening but, but as soon as I got the knock, it never stopped knocking. And then I kept wanting to talk about it and talk about it and talk about it. And it's like, what do you think, and what do you think, and what it call a psychic. And even though I every time I called a psychic, every time I talk to a friend every time I talk to anyone about it, I always knew my truth. My truth never went away, and it never wavered. It so you said, get quiet, and that's it. Like when we really get honest with ourselves, we all know the truth. You know if the relationship's wrong for you, you know if you're outgrown this job, you know if you're living in a city that's out of alignment. You know, if you're not supposed to eat meat, but you think you should, or vice versa, like your body knows, you know, and it's, it's giving yourself permission. And I think too, so many people have a hard time letting go, especially in the Western world, because people are so addicted to being busy. And when we're busy, we get to, like, it's easier to ignore everything, like, look at COVID. How many people went through divorce and breakup during COVID? Because, you know, their busy lives, they were able to just avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid, avoid. It's a great avoidant tactic to just be busy and not ever feel what's really going on, or you can feel it, but you can keep it at bay underneath there, and it comes out sideways all the time, but like you keep keeping it at bay, but then as soon as you're faced with having to feel and be locked down alone with your spouse, well, now you can't run from what's what your truth is, So maybe give yourself a sacred lockdown and let yourself, really, you know, be in your own energy and and also, like, get out of the habit. If you are the kind of person who always asks other people. That was certainly me, and I know some some women are the opposites. Maybe if you're the opposite, practice talking it out, because that could help. But if you're like me, and you're the kind of person who would just go seeking for the truth outside. Literally, I would call psychics. I would call tarot readers. I would call my friends. I would call everyone else's opinion. And you know, if you're attuned to your inner experience, other people's opinion will help you get clear on their truth. Because whenever people would be like, oh, you should stay with Jeff, I'd be like, No, I could feel the truth was always there. But you know, your body knows, and the more we can learn as women like you said, we're conditioned to not trust ourselves in every fucking way, and to be like as numb as can be and like as disconnected as can be, and to just follow everyone else and everything else in every sense of the word, even what we wear, you fucking Lululemon fanny packs. Love you. Even while we wear everything, it's trending.
Catherine Danieli:It's trending right now to wear and certain jeans or whatever.
Kate Harlow:Yeah, even. But even that, like even trending, it used to just be like, Oh, it's a trend, like in magazines. Now, trending is a term, and you find what's trending online, and then you go, be that, why you're not here to be like everyone else, why you know if, Kay, if you love that fanny pack so much and it like deeply satiates your soul, great. Like, why? Ask yourself, why? So? Like, know that your conditioned self is always going to be looking at what everyone else is doing. Well, my friends are still married. I can't get divorced. Well, this is like this, you know, this is this isn't appropriate for me to do or wear it, say or and get quiet. Spend more time with yourself and learn how to trust yourself. That is the greatest gift you could ever give yourself, is learn how to trust your own truth, because that's what the new truth podcast is. It was inside of you all along. The answers have always been there, and they'll always be there. You just have to get quiet and learn to be with you so you can actually feel them and start making choices from that place. And then you get to surf, live a life of surfing.
Catherine Danieli:The moment there's a right or wrong thing to do. We can't trust ourselves. Yeah, right the moment, there's a right way to live or a right path to follow. You won't be able to hear you know your voice and and, and, I think maturity, my other new obsession and thing to think about all the time, feminine consciousness and, and. Maturation is like getting responsible for the consequences of your decisions, like feeling the pain of times when you have betrayed yourself, right, and feeling the pain of when you did ignore the inner voice, and like feeling the grief of when you said yes but you meant no, or when you said no, but you meant Yes, right? And, and honestly, that's what brought me here, too. And, like, that's what early motherhood did. I portrayed myself around the birth that I wanted, and I had to do deep work in the first year of postpartum around, you know, coming to terms with that, and, and just like, like that honestly brought me to like, no one's gonna save me more. When it was like, I like, this is my life. Like, I got myself here, and I have not been perfect, you know. And, and, can I love myself? Like, give me a break if you love yourself on your good days, like, I'm glad that's easy. That's really easy to love ourselves. You know, when things are going well and we're feeling good and and, you know, we're doing all the quote, unquote, right things, but, but, God, motherhood, can I love myself on the days when I am the ugliest of my self, you know, or when I've said a horrible thing to my husband, or when I have, when I'm sitting there like criticizing myself or crazy, you know, can I have a boundary and just be like, No more? And I'm, can I love this, you know? And, and I know I've shared this probably in season one, because it was so long ago when I was going through my breakup with Jamie. This yoga teacher named Tom Tom Kelly's in his 60s. Freaking amazing. That owns a yoga studio in Encinitas. I
Kate Harlow:would call him, I know him, Kelly. I know that name, yeah, yeah. I'd call
Catherine Danieli:him all the time, and he would help me a lot. And I'd be, like, screaming, like, I'd be, you know, it's like, the worst pain, like breakups are the worst. It's fucking hard, you know, and it's hard to let go sometimes. And he just say to me, say, with me, Catherine, right now I'm loving this. And I'm like, I am not loving this. Like, I don't want to feel this. And he just said, right now I'm loving this right now. I'm loving this, you know, like, right now I'm loving this right now, I'm loving this. And then eventually, right like, one phone call, I could say it with him, and like feel my pain and be with my grief and be saying, right now I'm loving this and, and I my, you, your, I had no idea, right that your first program was ignite your light. My first program was 21 days to lasting self love and, and, of course, I brought in Tom Kelly's, you know, practice then, and that I was so obsessed with seeing how self love was the foundation to everything, because no one ever taught us how to do it, right? None of us, very few of us, had truly loving parents, you know. But that self love is really, can I love everything about me? Not can I only love what's cute and fun and feels good, but like, can I love and remember that I'm a whole person with a shadow, and that in my greeting the betrayals and the abandonments, I got to the place of, okay, no more, like, no more, and got into deeper Listen, deep listening, and deep relationship with myself and and and truly like loving what I see in the mirror in a way that I never have before. And I believe the greatest gift we can give our children is loving ourselves, not just loving them. You know, because you can't transmit like they're watching, you know, especially girls. Girls are watching. You know, how you talk to yourself and, and I love the saboteur work, you know, like it's so I think of what you said to Erin Claire Jones when we talked to her, and you were like, oh, like you found what was missing, you know, for the world, like you've found what was missing for women, Kate, you know, like that. You made something so complex, so easy and simple and digestible, and that we all have the saboteur voice, and you can actually choose not to listen to it like you can actually choose the other aspects of yourself to find and and I've learned to like, love my critic. I've learned, oh yeah, you sound exactly like my mom.
Kate Harlow:What's her name again, Agatha,
Catherine Danieli:because it was the principal in Matilda, that was the image. And, yeah. And so I just that feels like important too, of wherever you are as you're listening, like, right now, I'm loving this, like, right now I'm loving this season of my life, and God, like, get off Instagram. Like, if you're struggling with comparing yourself to other people, like, just stop. Close it. Stop, you know. And what's also true is that other little thing people would say, like, if we all put our problems in a pile, like, everyone would take their own. Problems, you know, back, you know, like we have no idea. We're all human beings, no matter how fancy someone looks on Instagram or how perfect their life looks or or whatever they're telling themselves about their life. Like a truth of human life is that pain is a part of life. A truth of human life is that everything changes and ends right? Like a truth of human life is that not everything goes according to plan, and letting go is a part of life. We let go on every exhale and maybe right now, at least, my wish for you as we move toward the end of our final episode together, my wish for you is the willingness to let go of what doesn't work like, no matter what it is. Maybe it no longer works to beat yourself up all the time, like, maybe it no longer works to try to make your body look a certain way and obsessively work out like, maybe it no longer works to be on a diet that doesn't work for you, like, maybe it no longer works to judge and criticize other women, right? Maybe it no longer works to isolate, but, like, maybe, maybe it no longer works to be rushing and have everything moving fast, like, you can also look internally like, that's, that's kind of what I wanted to end with, that it's not just the things that are a no, but like, what's a no around the way you are with yourself? Because honestly, before I got to it's a no to keep working. It's a no to be on the new truth. I was doing that like it's a no to speak to myself the way that I'm speaking to myself in motherhood, like it's a no to be following the perfect mother myth, because it doesn't exist like it's it's a no to not prioritize my marriage, you know, and only pour love into Madeline and not, you know, nurture my husband's heart. And so it started with with my relationship with myself, because, of course, that's where it all fucking starts. It's always reflecting that. But I think right now, maybe you aren't in like you're fine in your job or your relationship or you know your life is good, but, but can you deepen around what am I a no to, around the what I'm doing to myself? Like, maybe I'm a no to the good girl. I'm a no to unrealistic beauty standards. I'm a no to Botox, right? Like, you can change your mind, you know, you can change your mind at any time, and may we all always be willing to, you know, begin again. Like, how many people don't leave relationships because they're afraid of, quote, unquote, starting over, you know? And it's like you're not starting over. If you leave a relationship, you're a brand new version of yourself. It's not the beginning, it's just the next chapter.
Kate Harlow:Oh, that's so good. I love all of the no's and the starting over. I hear that all the time, and it's like what? That's just a big, dramatic story that we've told ourselves to keep ourselves in purgatory or in prison inside of ourselves and our lives that no longer feel aligned. But for me, like because so we did it. We've over the years, we've done a few podcast, couple handfuls of podcast interviews that have not been aligned. And it's always not been aligned for both of us, but it's usually one of us that that like is feeling it so strongly? And then we bring it to the other one, and the other one's like, Oh, I was feeling something too, but the other but one of us is feeling it really, really strong and, and this happened recently, and episodes that just don't feel right. And there's it, the mind wants to have a reason or excuse or justification, or like, Oh, can't do that. And I've certainly felt that like, oh, I don't want to hurt their feelings. I really like that person. I really loved the conversation. It just doesn't feel right for the podcast. And the feeling for me when I'm going against my nose now, and I've been doing this for a really long time, so like, it's pretty dialed in, and I can feel it really clearly and strongly and quite quickly. It's like, I'm squ I can feel like I even remember saying to you, like, No, I still think I want to do this, even though both of us knew it was no, it was like this. I could feel, it feels like I'm trying to squish myself into a pair of jeans that don't fit at all, and I'm like, sucking in and holding my breath, and that's just like, Oh, I'm squeezing. That's the feeling for me. So get to know what is the feeling when you're like convincing yourself and squishing yourself and contorting yourself to try and force something to work, when the begin again, it just doesn't. And you don't even need to know why. You can just say this feels complete. I love you so much. I bless you and set you free. This is a no for me. I love you. I don't even know why, but it's a no in my body and I'm honoring that. Or it's it's no longer aligned, or it feels complete. I feel like our work here is done, our chapter here is done, our experience here is done. And allowing ourselves to be that like God, that is the new paradigm. How many people are just in relationships because we've been told we're. Only allowed to have one relationship forever. So we keep trying to hang on and hang on and hang on and hang on and hang Oh, but I signed a piece of paper that said I would do this forever. It's like, Yeah, but you didn't know your future self. You didn't know their future self. You didn't know what life was gonna look like, what the world was gonna look like. We'd like give yourself the grace and space to change your mind when it's coming from that true place, right? And like it. Allow yourself to get excited about the beginning again, because you get to meet every woman I've ever got. 90% of my clients are divorced, and every one of them is like, at the time we meet, they're maybe in discord about the divorce, and then by the time when we're done our journey, they're like, Thank fuck that guy cheated on me, or think, heavens, that I left that marriage that felt dead, or whatever the story might be, because they got to begin again and find themselves like it's a gift. You're gonna find treasures. So feel the pain, feel the grief, honor all the feelings and celebrate the gifts, right? Because there's so many,
Catherine Danieli:and nature abhors a vacuum. So if there is space, it will be filled. And if there's no space, it won't get filled, you know? And I every time we you know, we're talking about preparing for this episode, like, I just kept hearing that quote, like, over and over and over again, that, remember, when there is space, it will be filled, yes, and if you don't make space, it can't be right. Like, you can't, you can't receive from those closed fists again, you know? And God, that was like, one of the exercises I used to do when I started my coaching business, too. Like, like everyone, like, tighten your whole body, like, squeeze your fists and then relax, and then tighten your whole body, and squeeze your fist and then open your hands. Like, to experience the contrast, right? And remember that you have choice over how you move through the world in your body, and what you do and how you spend your time. And that's what sovereignty is. That's what maturity is, and and love the journey like my god, I love. I mean, I got sober six days before my 22nd birthday. Talk about the greatest gift of my life, when I didn't know who I was and I had only known pain, and I was deeply, deeply, deeply suffering and and I do believe what was true at the time, I heard a voice that was like, You're meant for much more than this, like this is not your design, like you're gonna have this big, beautiful life. And I had no idea how. I did not know anything about how that was going to happen. I don't even know what life coaching was, or or anything. I was actually very much so very self absorbed when I was drinking and and it was the greatest thing I've ever done for myself. I got sober, and then I stayed sober, and it was no question ever and I poured myself into doing the things I needed to do to stay sober. It was definitely not easy, but I had the support of of many people. And I think, you know, some there's some times we have to go it alone. Actually. Like to to build our own muscles, actually. And like, create, make things happen for ourselves. And then there's times where we have to experience holding hands with other women, you know, and having them walk with us. But you know, no, we need both, right? Because some women really need to work on the muscles of their own, you know? I mean, this was us, right? Like, yeah, I needed to learn how to hold hands with another woman, right? I was so busy doing it on my own. Like you get like holding hands with you over the past five years has been so healing for me and and you have needed to stand on your own two feet, right? And your lesson. And so I think that's so important to remember that like, feel into what's true for you. Like, what are your lessons to learn? Like, what is your soul seated for you know? What is your mystery to live and remember it's not supposed to look like anyone, anyone
Kate Harlow:else's, but it's the opposite of what you're doing now. Probably, yeah. And most likely, and when, when, when we started, like, when I started my business Oh, my God, the first year, every, every person I met, do you want to be my business partner? Do you want to be my business partner? Callan and Justin, my mentors were business partners, and I saw them build this thing together, and I, I believe that it was not possible for me to do it on my own. So, of course, life brought me no business partners. Nobody was aligned to partner with. And I did it on my own for the first four years, until you came along and we did the podcast. So that came at the perfect time for me to then trust my for me to then get to do it with someone, get to be in collaboration, get to it, but from sovereignty, not from CO dependency, not from me not believing in myself. And now life is giving another opportunity to Yeah, show up Yeah, then rebirth cycle and again,
Catherine Danieli:over and over and over again, over and over and over again. And I will forever. I mean, God, these episodes are forever, like, unless something happens, they and the whole program shuts down. But now we'll get to still click Apple podcasts and the new two podcasts and listen. And
Kate Harlow:I just want to say one more thing about the the journey of letting go, like I was just thinking as as you were talking earlier, about all the Think about all like, if had I not let go of Jeff and and Vancouver, had I been like, oh, I don't want to be in Vancouver. But I should say is my family's here and my friends are here, and like, oh, I don't want it. Like, I just think of all the people. Is because I'm a people person, and I love very deeply. And I think of all the people who I love so deeply, who I'm so close to and connected with and have been deeply impacted by that I wouldn't have met had I not had the courage to follow my heart, to leave the relationship that wasn't aligned, to move to Greece on a whim because of the universal invitation, redirection to follow that invitation to, you know, go to Kenya when I was invited, there all the all the things that have happened since I made that choice. And that's just one that were two decisions, two things that I let go of, that I still love deeply. Just because you let go of something doesn't mean you have to stop loving it. That's another mishap, another confusion, like we need to I'm sure a lot of podcast partners have have gone their separate ways in a not loving way. You know me and Jeff are we were texting yesterday. Still really close, still family. Me in Vancouver, I go visit one to two times a year. We still got a great relationship. But it doesn't mean you have to stop loving that person or that that experience or that place. It just means you're ready for something new. It means your soul is complete, the contract is complete, and your soul is ready to experience the next thing. So let it.
Catherine Danieli:There's no such thing as all or nothing. Yeah, yeah, that that last piece is so important because I have loved this, and I love this, and I love you and and loved coaching, and have loved coaching, and have loved working and and now I don't want to. And now I love this new being in my life that wasn't here before, and and love the experience I'm having now and slowing down and
Kate Harlow:a model walk in the new truth. So we would be a bunch of liars if we weren't having this episode and walking through this portal together and sharing it with you and letting all of you hear our process and our journey and witness us on the journey. I I'm so grateful for you and for your yes and for the orchestration of this journey, and I can't imagine who we'd be had we not come on this journey together. I can't either,
Catherine Danieli:because this has absolutely shaped me too. And everyone has listened to bar to our evolution, there's no five years of you intimately listening to our to our evolution, and walking with us and some of the things you know, that we've gone through and, and you certainly don't owe anybody all of yours pain and all of your stories, if you're going through stuff behind the scenes, you know. And we have kept some things to ourselves, and we've let you in on on some things and some things we shared after the fact, and, and it's all enough. Like you get to do you. You get to do you and I, yeah, I'm so grateful too. I'm so grateful too. And I think is going to hit me like tomorrow, more, you know, and the day after, and the day after, when I look at my calendar and it's like, oh, there's no scheduled podcast time with Kate. After five years of scheduled podcast time, you know, with Kate and I will be there for my feelings about that, and I know we'll be there for each other. And like I keep saying, I wish for everyone to have sisterhood like this. I wish everyone friendships like this. Me too. Thank you.
Kate Harlow:Go listen to because you love me. Maybe I'll sing it too in the phone
Catherine Danieli:and know the new truth is going. It's going that's still here. I'm still here with you, and I can't wait to see what happens and what you create
Kate Harlow:me too. So stick around for next week, because I share some visions about new truth season three. I have some really amazing interviews coming up while I'm in Kenya, because I'll be there for a couple months. And yeah, just gonna miss you so much. And, yeah, I love you. I love you.
Catherine Danieli:So see you on the other side. Yeah, on the
Kate Harlow:other side. Also, she's gonna come back and visit, I am sure. So we'll see you soon. Love you. Love you.
Kate Harlow:Hi, It's Kate. Thanks so much for listening to the new truth podcast. For more of Catherine and I, come hang out with us in the new truth movement Facebook group we are in there. That's where we're sharing all about our programs and our free workshops that we do, you can come join us there and ask as many questions as you want about the podcast episodes about dating relationships, any struggles you're having out there, we would love to support you. So come hang out with us in the new troop movement Facebook group, and we will see you soon. You.